Thursday 20 October 2011

Lesser Hawkbit

Lesser Hawkbit, Leontodon saxatilis.  Lullingstone Country Park, 14 October 2011.
Lesser Hawkbit, Leontodon saxatilis.  Lullingstone Country Park, 14 October 2011.
I am taking a course called "Discovering WIldflowers" at Lullingstone Country Park. Last Friday we walked around some of the park, looking for roses but not confining ourselves to them.

This is a common enough flower, one of the many yellow-flowered composites that look a little like dandelions. This one looks as though someone has taken a paintbrush full of grey, outlined the sepals are run the brush up the outer petals.

I also took a shot of the flower full on, shown below, but I think the first one is much more pleasant and  interesting.

Lesser Hawkbit, Leontodon saxatilis.  Lullingstone Country Park, 14 October 2011.
Lesser Hawkbit, Leontodon saxatilis.  Lullingstone Country Park, 14 October 2011.

1 comment:

  1. To me, the triple tips of the petals, both their gray backs and the yellow, seem interesting. It is quite emphatic.
